The Graveyard Book – Neil Gaiman

TheGraveyardBooktitle: The Graveyard Book
author: Neil Gaiman
illustrator: Chris Riddell

date of publication : 2008

my bookreview : Within a few sentences of the Graveyard book, Neil Gaiman brings you straight into a dark, fantastic story. In the middle of a spooky night, in a house where a terrible murder is happening…

« There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife »

And already his words will have you trapped, you won’t be able to stop reading!

Luckily, a little baby escapes from the murderer of his family and finds himself in a cemetery, where he meets a lovely ghost couple who decide to raise him. Growing up in a cemetery prevents the little Nobody Owens from seeing the real and modern world we know. Indeed, readers dive with him into a romantic-gothic atmosphere accentuated by the numerous historical, mysterious and magical characters surrounding the child.
Chapter after chapter we discover a new episode of Nobody Owens’ childhood. New characters and new adventures. Bod is becoming a very sweet boy and there isn’t a soul in the graveyard that isn’t a friend of his. But the child is curious, and danger is lurking…

The Graveyard Book is a macabre but delightful retelling of The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. It is, indeed, about being raised by an adoptive family, growing up in an alternative environment to your own, adapting to it, making friends and respecting them while also becoming more confident in yourself, and so on. In a nutshell, great human values.
Other reviews have shown that adults already love this story but kids will also easily relate to the main character, and those who are looking for a bit of thrill will just love it!
I warmly recommend the edition illustrated by Chris Riddell, as it suits perfectly to Neil Gaiman’s universe. A wonderful story to read from 9 y/o to 99 !

mark: 5/5
recommended age:  9 to 12 yo

A propos Leaz

Libraire multi-fonction, déjà séduite par les trésors de la littérature jeunesse, j'adore y dénicher ses perles francophones; je découvre aussi les charmes du 9e art et en curieuse invétérée ne peux m'empêcher d'explorer les vertus de la bibliothérapie et autres activités biblio-ludique.
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